Why Stories?
In the beginning...
Families, teachers, mental health and medical professionals around the globe have been telling stories to young children since the beginning of time. Story themes of thoughtfulness, helpfulness and thankfulness abound in stories along with conflict, worry and sorrow. Stories speak to the human experience. Wonder, awe, empathy and meaning are nourished in the child through oral storytelling.
A child's social emotional learning and well-being are supported with endearing messages from delightful casts of story characters. Relationships with people, animals and the natural world help the young child develop with an understanding of themselves in connection to our world.
Stories featuring rhymes, music, and repetition promote children's communication development in a fun and engaging way. A child's senses come alive with the rich language shared through puppetry and storytelling and the visual miniature scenes where the stories unfold.
Storytelling Arts
in Education: Bringing Stories to Life for Young Children
Arts Integration: Language and Creative Art
Embedded with Social Emotional Learning
Why integration of language, arts and social emotional learning (ESL)?
Storytelling enhances oral language development and literacy. Storytelling builds a child's listening and attention skills.
Puppetry is welcoming, inclusive and contributes to social connectivity and community. Puppetry promotes shared experiences and connection with the world around us.
ESL promotes self-management, social awareness and responsible decision-making. Self-confidence rises when ESL concepts are embedded in teaching.